
We at justDice pride ourselves on sharing our knowledge and development with others around the globe – collaboration is our calling.
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We believe in the benefits of swarm intelligence, which is why we work with open-source software (OSS). Our highly reliable software is a product of collaboration and tapping into talented programming experts around the world. But it’s not just knowledge and development we share by using OSS; we share our success, too – with our revenue, we’re able to give something back to the online programming community. For instance, we strive to give our community the first fully compatible high-performance Golang cloud application framework in our gosoline project. 

Open-source developers are more likely to have a better understanding of programming – they don’t just want to use APIs; they want to understand how they work, too. We know that software should be personal and suited to what users need, which is why OSS is so great. We can customize parts of the software as much as we like by adjusting the code – without having to start from scratch. It’s not always the bigger, the better – but in this case, it really is.

Lastly, with these big advantages, we need only pay for the efforts we spend on developing our software – not the entire infrastructure. We know how unique this is to our business. And that is why we work with open-source software.

The biggest projects use OSS:

For example, PHP Libraries, Go Libraries, Cloud Tools, Big Data Software from the Apache Software Foundation

The biggest Web servers and HTML engines use OSS:

For example, Nginx, Apache, Webit, Blink, Gecko

The biggest opportunity as a developer comes by using OSS:

Developers are guaranteed to boost their career and develop their portfolio – OSS gives them valuable training and a global stage, on which they can show off their skills

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