Powering Gaming Innovation

Explore Our Tech Stack

Where Tech Meets Creativity

We build our innovative gaming apps with a robust and modern tech stack, using top development tools, languages, and frameworks like Kotlin, React Native, and Webstorm. We continuously explore new technologies to keep our apps at the forefront of the industry.

Dev Magic

Our development practises are centred around efficiency and quality. We use top-tier development tools for coding, and our rigorous testing and QA processes ensure our apps are robust and reliable. Continuous integration and delivery allow us to iterate quickly and deliver high-quality products. Our development toolkit includes:

  • Languages: Go, Java, Swift, Kotlin
  • Communication: Pub/Sub, REST
  • CI/CD Tools: Gitlab, Terraform, Terragrunt

Building For The Big Leagues

Our infrastructure is designed for scalability and security. We use advanced server and cloud technologies to ensure our apps can handle millions of users while keeping their data safe. We prioritise performance and reliability, constantly optimising our operations to meet the highest standards. Our infrastructure includes:

  • Cloud Services: AWS (ECS, DynamoDB, RDS, ECR, SQS, SNS, CloudWatch)
  • Logging and Monitoring: ELK Stack (Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana)
  • Messaging and Queuing: SQS, SNS

Internal Progression

Innovation and growth are at the heart of justDice. Our commitment to learning and development is hard to argue with. We invest in continuous learning, ensuring our team stays ahead with the latest technologies, skills, and trends. We also offer a generous budget for conferences and development programmes, covering travel, lodging, and fees.

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