A Balance Between Fun & Professional

We aren’t your typical office environment. We’re a blend between fun and professional. When you step into the office, you’re welcomed by happy people who want to work here. It’s a healthy environment where people genuinely enjoy working in.
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This Is How We Roll

Working at justDice is special. Why? We’re the market leader in what we do because our expert team thrive in a fun, healthy work environment. Our flexible environment encourages us to constantly develop new skills while surrounded by a diverse group of people who support and genuinely enjoy working together. You aren’t expected to work every hour on earth either; that pressure doesn’t exist here. Work to your schedule. And we love cake. Lots of cake.
Flexibility 1


Less Nine to Five, More Time to Thrive

Before starting at justDice, have one expectation — freedom within your role. A combination of flexible working hours and the ability to create and implement new ideas emphasises this value. After all, it’s about quality, not quantity. Our colleagues always tell us how good they feel when they see their hard work and ideas directly impacting daily business. And you know something special about us? Bring an idea to the table, and have millions of people worldwide use it in a matter of weeks. It’s a unique feeling!
Likewise, it’s not unusual to want to exert yourself and take on new challenges. But often, in the real world, these volatile environments are seen as high-risk. We don’t. We see them as high-potential settings that offer crucial lessons. With that, sometimes shit hits the fan, but we learn, grow, and move on.

justdice diverse team


Team & Talent

At justDice, we are proud to celebrate our community of international talent, comprised of individuals from different cultural backgrounds. With over 20 nationalities in the office, we speak multiple languages and are committed to creating a welcoming, inclusive workplace where everyone feels valued and respected.

Regular team events like paintball, karting, pottery classes, and VR gaming allow us to switch off and have fun together. Every team member, including our pets, contributes to the development and success of the company. We just make sure there is enough free pizza and drinks for everyone because, at justDice, we value not only hard work but fun too!

Hamburg - A Unique City 1


A Unique City

Our office is situated on the beautiful Alster lake in Hamburg, northern Germany. It is one of the city’s undeniable highlights, where yachts sail by just a stone’s throw from the office window. Hamburg is a vibrant, forward-thinking, and diverse city (and there’s always something going on: music, art, events – you name it). We chose it for our headquarters as it reflects our modern and global approach to what we do. We draw inspiration to move fast and be dynamic worldwide from this city, and staying one step ahead of the game is essential to us. This is why we develop products designed to engage and entertain our customers while setting the pace for our industry.

Click Below to See Our Reviews and Employee Insights on Glassdoor!

Working at justDice

Direct communication is key!
“The team here is great and super helpful, which makes it easy to fit in quickly and have fun while doing so. Also, the senior leadership is very transparent and accessible to employees. I’ve been able to learn a lot and be productive at the same time. ”
Slobodan, Senior UA Manager
We are a dog company!
“At justDice, my professional career has been able to grow alongside the company. It is amazing to see how much influence every single person has in the development and success of our company. In addition, having flexible working hours and being able to bring my dog to the office allows me to have a good work-life balance.”
Florian, Apps Tech Lead
Move and learn fast!
“For me, working at JustDice means constant movement and change: We’re always trying new things and reinventing ourselves. It’s nice to see our portfolio grow and improve all the time and we have a lot of creative freedom to learn new technologies whenever needed and try out fresh ideas. Every single person matters and everyone can make a difference here, while always having fun together and staying on eye level.”
Alek, Motion Designer
Productivity and Ping Pong
“The freedom I enjoy at justDice allows me to organize my working day as I wish. The freedom to organize my breaks, as well as the start and end of work, allows me to clear my head in between so that I can remain highly focused and motivated for the rest of the time. And fifteen minutes of brainstorming with colleagues while ping-ponging is more purposeful than pondering a problem alone for an hour.”
Stephan, Game Designer
Fun, open, and friendly environment
“Everyone who works here has their own character and style for work! And from day one, everybody welcomes you with open arms as you are. You are encouraged to share your own thoughts, and be free with your ideas. Do your daily work with your own personal touch and never be judged, simply because, everything you do is as important as anyone else’s. And well, have I mentioned you can chat with anyone easily? Just grab a coffee, sit back and relax.”
Sena, UA Manager
Grab a pizza & get the shit done
“justDice is a truly professional environment; It’s not about looking “professional”, it’s not about working 9 to 5 and it’s not about getting people to work as much as possible. It’s about getting shit done, letting professionals work the way they do best and acknowledging efforts. Hands down the best culture and environment I’ve worked in and I’m happy to be here! Also, sometimes there is free pizza xD.”
Fahmy, Unity Game Developer

Enjoy Our Benefits

Relocation Support

Free full Gym Membership

Flexible Working Times

Modern Hardware: Linux, Mac or Windows

Hackathons & Meetups

Quarterly Team Events

Annual Company Trip Into the Sun

Monthly Team Lunches

Public Transportation Subsidy

Free Daily Breakfast

Dog Friendly

Starter Kit

3/2 Office Remote Policy

Fresh Food & Drinks

Standing Desks

Learning and Development Opportunities

German Class Fee Reimbursement

Free Yoga Classes

Doing What We Do Best


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